A little converter station is standing in Köln Chorweiler, and always looked very ugly. The housing society, called GAG, wanted to change this. The GAG is not only a real estate society, but is involved in a lot of social help or cultural events. They do a lot , for their inhabitants. That is why they wanted to make this part of Cologne more lovable, because it has very bad reputation.

And the occupants  really loved it!  The area is multi-national, but everybody stopped by, and tried to explain at least with hand and feet, how enthousiastic he/she is about the new dress of the electric station. And it was really hard work, because , due to climate change, the whole week was over 40 degrees in shadow. 

The additional big challenge for this work  was, that my task was, not to make a nice illusion painting,  but also to entertain and occupy a group of children. They came only in the afternoon, from a local youth center , called "The Villa", who organizes holiday camps for social underprivileged   children during the holidays. I expected  a bunch of Teenager, but what I had in the end was a group of children below 12. Plus part of them changed every day, plus, the children expected graffiti, not painting. ----Pooh, but somehow , we made it . I  showed the kids, how to paint the bricks, then I painted the background, and then the children added the captive balloons.  

The theme was "Fühlinger See" , which is  an artificial lake, which cores an area of 100 hectares and is a major attraction, and part of Köln Chorweiler. Here is presented the Regatta Course, where  already the world - rudder-championship took place, or it is also often used for canoe championships. Plus for example the famous Reaggea festival Summer Jam takes place at this lake.  In these 40 degrees times, there have been counted 80 000 people, who have been looking for refreshment in this water.

Anyway, the result came out rather pretty, and helped the neighborhood to identify themselves with their hometown

This is a door of the Remisen Brande, an old Railway Control Center, in Brande, a beautiful city in the middle of Denmark.

Nowadays the Remisen is used as an cultural event center. 

I painted one of the very large, 12 doors. The steam locomotives have been stored behind the doors, and railways going out.

This was part of the international streetart festival in Brande




End result still exists at Christmas!


In den frühen 40er Jahren, als der Braunkohlensteinbruch richtig in Gang kam, begann die Geschichte und das ganze Leben rund um die Eisenbahn in Brande. Es war eine sehr arbeitsreiche Zeit mit der Eröffnung der Lager in Søby und Umgebung von Brande. Für Gejlbjerg wurden Bürgersteige geöffnet. Insgesamt verursachte die Braunkohle eine große Aktivität am Bahnhof Brande und im Rest der Stadt.

Zu einer Zeit gab es in Brande mehr als 200 Lokomotiven. 80 Männer in der Remise. Außerdem befand sich am Bahnhof ein großes Zugpersonal, so dass in dieser Zeit bei DSB in Brande etwa 500 Mitarbeiter beschäftigt waren.

1971 wurde die Remise geschlossen, aber hier war noch ein Ranger zu Hause. Man durfte ein paar Jahre bleiben, aber nach und nach ließen die Aktivitäten vollständig nach. Damit war eine aufregende Ära in der Geschichte von DSB und Brandes vorbei. Aber nach der Restaurierung bildet das alte Remake wieder den Rahmen für eine neue und ganz andere Ära in der Brandes-Geschichte.